Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Return of the REAL Burns

Hi ya'll! I would like to mention that some of the entries previously uploaded here in this site were nothing but scams and immoral untruthful falsification (if there's such a word) of my rights as an honest chaste pure innocent citizen. I WAS FRAMED. It wasn't me. I never made a pact to lose weight... WTF is THIN ROUTINE anyway? That's crazy! I LOVE WEIGHT! I love burgers and chicharon. That's how i roll! Don't worry though, the fake burns who framed me recently got caught and was killed. Nuff said!
MOVING ON... I SAID MOVING ON... Tama na oo na talo nga eh... pakshet... (0_0)
Anyway i decided to start writing again since facebook in our office will soon be forbidden and I guess i did miss writing. I was reading the past entries my IMPOSTOR made and it rather entertaining. So that's what i'll do... I'll entertain myself and those of you who are probably effing bored like hell to be reading what I'm writing. HAHAHA... this will also be a good source for my friends from faraway lands to know what's happening wit me and get some updates.
Wit that said, WELCOME to the new chapter of this blog site!

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