On the other hand, the real reason why im making this entry is to talk about the upcoming Baguio trip. This is actually what's making me EMO... and i HATE... i HATE being EMO. Hate is such a big word for me... literally big (HAHAHAHA demmit i need to focus) Seriously now that word is really not part of my system. I'm usually the jolly "chill" makulit person... and i am pro-LOVE (Interpret it anyway you want :p). Sorry i easily drift away from my thoughts but going back, this Baguio trip makes me EMO because it shows me that the world I am going into is very different from what i am acustomed to. It shows me that every damn thing is changing. The freaking world just moves too fast. (-_-) Yes, this is me, Burns being serious. This happens once in a blue moon so spare me. What I'm trying to say is that it makes me sad knowing that my barkada, is slowly drifting apart. Note that it's not because we started hating each other - its because certain circumstances make it hard - change is inevitable. This may sound gay but i miss mj limin so much. That guy IS the epitome of a perfect friend. Too bad he had to leave for canada. SOON, more of my friends are leaving for Canada. Damn Canada... In relation with the Baguio Trip, it was originally planned as a get together and semi-despidida for but it turns out that not a lot can go. Major bummer. My gf can't go too and i can't blame her. Things just change. Change sucks peas!
Therefore thus nevertheless bagkus kunggayon kanya nga, Baguio will be emo time for me. EMO ba kamo? EMO nga kako. Time to get a reality-check and just... recollect? Think about my family, my career, my friends and my love-life. Sorry for the unhappy entry but like what i said in the start - some things just don't go the way we want'em to. I miss everyone. I really do. 'Nuf said. (-_-)

1 comment:
nalungkot ako dito...
magkita nga tayo!
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