September 9, 2008
Today I start to live a healthy lifestyle. I know I said and tried this a million times before but today I will make it happen. I know it’s hard to lose weight, hell it’s even harder to walk the talk about doing all these bullshit but I guess I’ve had enough. To my complete lifestyle turnaround I made a list of the things I would like to do. I call this the “thin routine”. :-)
1. water only 9 glasses (no more juice or softdrinks... ouch!)
2. Walk everyday/ walk the dog
3. play basket or badminton
4. stop eating rice
5. light weight lifting, push-up, sit-up
6. one coke light per week
7. eat fruits (apple/banana)
8. oatmeal for breakfast and dinner
Geez… Just looking at it makes me doubt myself again. For some people this may seem like a breeze so let me explain how hard it is for me. I was consistently in the 140lbs zone when I was 17 (I’m 5’6 ½ by the way) and I am now around 165lbs and just turned 22. I don’t want to brag but I did have 6pack abs before and I totally and completely blew it away. I love liempo, I eat like 5 slabs in one sitting, I eat a whole box of pizza, and burgers just seem too irresistible (Damn 3 pound cheeseburger… yum!). I drink coke every god given day, sometimes I resort to iced tea or juice. Being young and active, I never really though I’d gain weight that much. So to cut the story short, my “baboy” lifestyle turned me into a 25lbs bigger Burns. Well I really don’t consider myself fat, maybe a little wide and chubby… ok I’m lying I’m fat and I don’t care if it’s something psychological but I do feel fat and I hate it. I easily get tired, I look like a pregnant woman after eating and I just can’t stand it anymore. This writing thing sucks so I’ll just place my picture:
Past ----------> Present

Past ----------> Present

Can you spot the difference?? Yeah yeah I know you don’t have to rub it in . Let me clear something though – I don’t care what other people think, I don’t care if my friends tease me – I’m doing this because I’m effin bored with my life and I would like some sort of challenge. Besides, it’s 3pm, I’m stuck in the office with nothing to do, might as well blog about something impossible. See! I just wasted 30 minutes.

Anyway going back, “The Thin Routine” is my master plan. (and YES it starts today)
but I ate liempo for lunch so it officially starts TOMORROW. Hopefully this works out
for me. By the time this routine kills me, I’m hoping I would turn out like that ----------->
Once again I am not doing this merely to waste time, I will be serious and REALLY do this as much as I can. I know I can. I believe I can. IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING...
... i think.